  • Attunement
  • Balance
  • Body and Mind
  • Distant Healing
  • Energy Healing
  • Personal Growth
  • Reiki
  • Self-Care
  • Spirituality
  • Well-being

Reiki for Self-Care to Improve Health & Vitality

with Joanna Crespo


2 Sessions | Saturdays, June 18 & June 25, 2022

10:00 am – 2:00 pm ET


Your registration fee goes directly towards our summer fundraiser. We need your support now more than ever to ensure that we can bring back your favorite programming this Fall. Please consider making a donation above and beyond this class registration. Thank you.

As a whole, the Reiki System of Natural Healing uses gentle, non-invasive touch to accelerate the body’s natural healing processes, support mental and emotional healing, and create an overall sense of profound well-being. Reiki has become one of the most in-demand healing modalities in the United States and around the world, used in hospitals, hospices, spas, and wellness centers. This class uniquely blends the classical Japanese tradition and the Western Reiki style, with experiential classes focused on demonstrations and supervised hands-on practice. Benefits of the Reiki System include reducing stress, strengthening the immune system, easing pain and physical discomfort, balancing and harmonizing emotions, enhancing mental clarity, raising your intuitive ability and creativity, and facilitating personal and spiritual growth.

Distance Reiki or energy healing works according to the laws of Quantum mechanics and it is how we can understand how we are all connected, as we are all made of energy and part of a larger whole. Understanding how this law of energy works during a distance Reiki session allows the practitioner to link up to the energy field of the recipient no matter where the recipient is located.

With online Reiki classes, you also get the benefit of seeing how long-distance Reiki works and will get to feel and experience how Reiki transcends space and time and the transfer of Reiki attunements. The teaching and the practice of long-distance Reiki has been well-practiced in our pre-Covid 19 world, with effective results, and has become much more valuable now.

Reiki for Self-Care:

During these weekend classes,  you will learn practical ways of incorporating and integrating the Reiki system of energy healing for yourself  and for family, and friends: daily self-care treatment; four initiating Attunements (Reiju); Reiki precepts, history, and spiritual healing principles; guided imagery meditations; and basic chair protocol. This practice can lead you on a path to self-empowerment and become more spiritually centered.

Note: No pre-requisite is required for this course. This course is equivalent to Reiki 1 training but is only used here for self healing which is also essential to learn by Reiki practitioners. This is a non-Certificate program.


Note: This program will be offered online. Sessions of all our online programs will be recorded and shared with registrants after each is completed for 90 days.


  • Prerequisites: N/A
  • Supplies list for the class: N/A
  • Zoom Software Requirements: This is an online course which requires Zoom webinar software. Zoom is easy to use. Click HERE to make sure your computer is set-up correctly.

Reiki for Self-Care to Improve Health & Vitality

  • 2 Session(s)
  • Jun 18 2022 10:00 AM ET





Joanna Crespo, MBA, is the director of The Open Center’s training program for Reiki Systems of Natural Healing and a Reiki teacher and practitioner with more than ten years of experience. Joanna is also certified in Chinese Herbalism and Family Constellation work, which is an effective therapeutic process that helps break destructive family patterns of unhappiness, illness, failure and addiction.



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