- Brain
- Creativity
- Happiness
- Health
- Joy
- Neuroscience
- Well-being
with Dawson Church
What does the Boston Marathon winner describing her “runner’s high” have in common with the yogi emerging from his cave in the Himalayas? When each of them is hooked up to an EEG, their brain patterns are similar. They are both in a “flow” state. As science has mapped the neural activity found in these peak states, it has reverse-engineered their signature characteristics.
Neurofeedback now allows experts to train people in achieving these states quickly. Studies show that in as little as two days, workshop participants can learn the neurochemical and brain patterns of flow, and reach levels of experience normally found only after years of meditative practice. This workshop trains you, step by step, in the process of inducing flow as a daily experience.
Note: This program will be offered online. Sessions of all our online programs will be recorded and shared with registrants after each is completed for 90 days.
A Two-Day Workshop
Saturday & Sunday, May 1-2, 2021, 9:30 am – 5:30 pm ET
With two 20-minute snack breaks and a 90-minute lunch break each day.
Optional groups during lunch.
- Prerequisites: N/A
- Supplies list for the class: N/A
- Zoom Software Requirements: This is an online course which requires Zoom webinar software. Zoom is easy to use. Click HERE to make sure your computer is set-up correctly.
Emotional Freedom Technique: A Professional Training
Tuesday – Friday, June 1 – 4, 2021
9:30 am – 6:00 pm ET
With two 20-minute snack breaks and a 90-minute lunch break each day. Optional groups during lunch.
“You owe it to yourself to give Dawson’s Bliss Brain course a try… I feel truly amazing and blissful in my body and mind as a result! And what’s more, I feel confident about my future ability to create these blissful and loving states at will with the quick and easy yet powerful tools he taught us. I will be able to handle whatever life throws at me as a result.
“I truly believe you too will find yourself with the tools you need and deserve to radically transform your life for the better starting NOW, so grab the opportunity to do this!!” – Rey Brannen, Vancouver Canada
“I have struggled with meditation for years, struggled with that monkey mind. EcoMeditation is the first technique that has consistently calmed that monkey mind. I reached a peaceful alpha state within minutes the first time I tried Dr. Church’s guided EcoMeditation. I am hooked!” – Vicki Pruett
“The workshop was wonderful. We learn the purpose of what we apply in the meditation, and then we practice. It was so powerful, especially the last meditation. I feel strong emotion, close to tears, as I recommend you take this workshop.” – Hugo Sorel
“I’ve been a lifetime meditator, and once I started EcoMeditation on Insight Timer, and now Bliss Brain, I’m finding them most satisfying of all. If you decide to train EcoMeditation practitioner, I would LOVE to help spread the word.” – Pamela Rains
“With what’s going on in the world, who doesn’t need a way to calm yourself, releasing anxiety, stress and becoming more loving. Dawson has such a loving presence with everything you need to know to get started, helping yourself and others. Thank you Dawson.” – Janet Gleeson
“This is wonderful course for quickly achieving a blissful state. I have been meditating on and off for years but this is by far the best experience I have ever had and I intend to do this every day.” – Diane Mayall
“For people who enjoy getting high on drugs, EcoMeditation will take you to that blissful place, but naturally. Really relaxing and wonderful.” – Sandy Weil
“During the Bliss Brain workshop I not only learned the physiology of bliss, I also learned science-based techniques to facilitate my brain to feel bliss. Through Dawson’s Church’s expert guidance, I was able to quickly experience bliss fully and completely. If experiences changes the brain (and we know it does), I now have an upgraded version of me. I plan to practice these skills daily for an upgraded life.” – Janice Colestro
“Just finished Dawson Church’s Bliss Brain workshop. Blissed Out!!! Rumi said that, “Some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.” Thank you Dawson for opening the door to that wonderful peaceful presence.” – Tana Vaughan
“Great research, deep wisdom, practical soul soothing techniques for life taught by Dawson Church, who is a kind, wise, and resourceful teacher.” – Cynthia Daddona, Wellbeing Lifestyle Advocate, TV Host & Author.

Bliss Brain: The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity & Joy
21SBB50Q- 2 Session(s)
- May 01 2021 9:30 AM ET
$300Share this program
Dawson Church, PhD, a prolific, award-winning author of many books on health, psychology and spirituality, including The Genie in Your Genes, is the CEO of Energy Psychology Press, a professional trainer in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and founder/director of the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare (www.niih.org), dedicated to research into consciousness and energy as primary healthcare modalities.
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The Open Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible donation allows us to continue providing a global community with access to holistic, spiritual and integrative practices. Your generous support preserves important wisdom traditions from around the world. Click