- Certification
- Chanting
- Communal Experience
- Experiential Workshop
- Healing with Sound
- Intentions
- Social Rights Movement
- Sound Healing
- Training
- Vibrations
- World Traditions
with Ysaye Barnwell
There is an incredible power in the human voice, and when voices are blended for the common good, they become a vocal community. Join Dr. Ysaye Barnwell — commissioned composer, Sweet Honey In The Rock® vocalist, classical instrumentalist, sign language interpreter and prolific leader in the field of African-American Singing Traditions — to participate in this special evening workshop. Singers and non-singers alike will share the common experience of learning in the oral tradition and singing rhythms, chants, traditional songs from Africa and the Diaspora, and a variety of songs from African American culture including spirituals, ring shouts, hymns, gospels, and songs from the Civil Rights Movement. The historical, social and political context will be provided as an introduction to the songs.
Throughout the evening we will explore:
- The influence of cultural and spiritual traditions on political and social struggle
- The values embedded in the music, from an African-American worldview
- The historical, social and political contexts of African-American songs
- How leadership emerges and can be shared among community members
- The significance of a shared communal experience in one’s life
This is the seventh course in the Integrative Sound & Music Certificate Program — a 12-part, 9-month intensive study of the power of sound and music — and can be taken either as part of the SMI Certificate Program or individually.
Click HERE to hear Songs from the Civil Right Movement.
Note: This program will be offered online. Sessions of all our online programs will be recorded and shared with registrants after each is completed for 90 days.
- Prerequisites: No
- Supplies list for the class: N/A
- Zoom Software Requirements: This is an online course which requires Zoom webinar software. Zoom is easy to use. Click HERE to make sure your computer is set-up correctly.
An Evening Workshop
Monday, January 18, 2021, 7:00 – 9:00 pm EST

Healing Power: An Introduction to a Vocal Community
20FHH55SA13- 1 Session(s)
- Jan 18 2021 7:00 PM ET
$50Share this program
Ysaye Barnwell, PhD, was a member of Sweet Honey in the Rock from 1979 to 2013. She is a prolific composer and conducts workshops around the world.
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The Open Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible donation allows us to continue providing a global community with access to holistic, spiritual and integrative practices. Your generous support preserves important wisdom traditions from around the world. Click