  • Certification
  • Experiential Workshop
  • Healing with Sound
  • Scientific Research
  • Sound Healing
  • Training
  • Vibrations
  • World Traditions

The Power of Sound As A Healing Mechanism: Techniques from Shamans, Scientists and Sound Healers

with Silvia Nakkach


*This program can be taken individually, as part of the Integrative Sound & Music Training program.

This program is the first course of the Integrative Sound & Music Certificate Program – a 12-part, 9-month intensive study of the power of sound and music. Through multimedia and scientific research, this full-day workshop will examine the impact of sound to redress imbalances on every level of psychophysical functioning and how it can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder. 

  • Experience and deepen inquiry into state-of-the art modalities of frequency delivery
  • Study the voice as a healing energy
  • Explore the multi-layered relationship among the physiological, cognitive and creative impact of sound on human behavior, consciousness and the environment

From the way of the shaman to contemporary modalities of auditory stimulation, we know that sound is vibration, and vibration permeates all things. Sound is heard not only through our ears, but also through every cell in our body. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because we have the capacity for quantum listening, when we listen to more than one reality simultaneously and without judgment. Hence, chanting and music transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes faster than any other medium. Throughout this workshop, Grammy® nominated composer and noted pioneer in the field of sound and consciousness transformation, Silvia Nakkach, will guide us through the profound ways music transforms us and how its power can be applied to integrative healing modalities and performance wellness.

This class is open to all levels of sound, voice and music practitioners interested in learning a precise vocabulary to inspire action and to advance their sound healing practice and performance wellness.

Note: This program will be offered online. Sessions of all our online programs will be recorded and shared with registrants after each is completed for a limited time only.


  • Prerequisites: N/A
  • Supplies list for the class – N/A
  • Zoom Software Requirements: This is an online course which requires Zoom webinar software. Zoom is easy to use. Click HERE to make sure your computer is set-up correctly.

Combo price for The Art of Improvisation & The Power of Sound As A Healing Mechanism: Techniques from Shamans, Scientists and Sound Healers – Price $320 – Click here to register at the combo price.

A Two-Day Workshop

Saturday, October 17, 2020, 1:00 – 5:00 pm EST
Thursday, October 22, 2020, 7:00 – 9:00 pm EST

The Power of Sound As A Healing Mechanism: Techniques from Shamans, Scientists and Sound Healers 

  • 2 Session(s)
  • Oct 17 2020 1:00 PM ET





Silvia Nakkach

Silvia Nakkach, MA, MMT is a Grammy® nominated composer and a pioneer in the field of sound and consciousness transformation.


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