Perspectives on Race & Justice & The Way Forward
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized Dr. Jennifer Mullan, Faith Adiele, Kathryn Davis, Rhonda Magee /by Lesley RodriguezDr. Jennifer Mullan
/0 Comments/in Teachers Dr. Jennifer Mullan /by Lesley RodriguezDr. Jennifer Mullan
Dr. Jennifer Mullan has a Doctorate of Psychology (Psy.D) in Clinical Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies; a Master’s in Counseling & Community Agencies from New York University’s Steinhardt School of Education. Dr. Mullan is currently a full-time Psychologist at New Jersey City University’s Counseling Center. She has 15 years of experience in clinical practice, higher education, teaching and grant writing. She is passionately committed to solidarity work that effectively addresses inequities based on race, gender, class, ability, gender identity and sexual orientation. Her professional research and clinical interests include complex and intergenerational trauma, group psychotherapy, QIBPOC and LGBTQIA wellness, spirituality & mindfulness practices, racism as trauma, healing in therapeutic settings, self-love as a revolutionary act and the process of decolonizing mental health. She founded Decolonizing Therapy, LLC. which seeks to create spaces to “call mental health professions IN” and begin to question the relatability of the mental health industrial complex to the people they serve. She lives in the Tri-state area of NYC.
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