
Meet Sister Kate a consultant, who helped clients open businesses in newly deregulating industries around the world. In 2014, Sister Kate developed a line of products that were safe, non-addictive and non-psychoactive and then founded the Sisters of the Valley. Their small farm is now a worldwide organization and is today cultivating, extracting and distributing CBD products with sales of over $1 million a year. MORE

How did you become interested in this line of work? (tell us a little bit about your background)

I moved to California with my three children after an emotionally and financially devastating divorce, moved in with my brother and his two boys, and we needed work so my brother pitched me on the cannabis industry and that sent me researching and ultimately, we opened a non-profit collective and ran that for years, delivering plant medicine to the sick and dying.

Cannabis medicine is not just for the sick and dying, I learned, and then went about studying how I could make a business that combined spirituality, activism and feminism and would allow us to export our products. That’s how my interest in non-psychoactive cannabis came to be.


Please share a wellness tip or word of advice that relates to the workshop you will be presenting.

When it comes to plant-based medicine, you have to find your own dosage. Don’t rely on someone else, don’t count drops, just take some and listen to your body. Take more or less based on the results. Don’t stop seeing your doctor. Plant medicine is wonderful, but so are the advances of science in medicine.

More CBD at the beginning, especially if you have not had any, you could be suffering from multiple generations of deprived endocannabinoid system starvation. Just like one orange won’t cure your scurvy, one dose of CBD isn’t going to fix a starved endocannabinoid system.

What or who inspires you? (This could be anything from your mentor to your favorite quote)

Jane Fonda, AOC, Stacey Abrams, Florence Nightingale


What personal or professional accomplishments are you most proud of?

The Sisterhood is absolutely my pride and joy. I love my children, but I am background noise in their lives now and the Sisterhood fills my days and my heart. Working with women in a spiritual way, in a cycle governed by the seasons, it’s very rewarding and many of us are finding it more and more difficult to leave our little place, just because we have worked so hard to make it a peaceful, harmonious place to be and the outside world can be a difficult place to navigate.


Sister Kate was a consultant, who helped clients open businesses in newly deregulating industries around the world. But after a divorce, and as a newly single mother with three children, she was forced to give up this career and move to Central Valley, California. While there, Sister Kate created work and leadership opportunities for women like herself. In 2009, she founded a non-profit cannabis collective and opened for business in 2010.


Saturday & Sunday, December 4-5, 2021, 2:00 – 5:00 pm ET

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